The Legend of the "Downhilldog"

From time to time discussions appear, that the german shepherd is overbread with deformed hips and the reason could be found in the down going topline.

That the GSD-Breed is still set first in relation with deformed hips, caused in main due to the fact, that the Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (SV) was the very first breeding organisation, who public discussed the dysplasia problem, wich appears to all bigger sized dogs, and initiated 1966 a program to planful fight that problem.

On the following pictures I show a top dog, Erich vom Grafenwerth Sieger VA1 in 1920, compared with my actual stud Harras vom Schloß Buldern in black and white, stucked in the old fashion way.

Below are pictures of him in color and in the actual way to stuck.

I hope and think, that everyone, who judge this pictures fair and objective will realize, that not the standard or the GSD has changed, only simply the way to present the dogs (and train on way higher level), what enables a better judgment of the trotter ability, the harmony and balance of the dogs.

This legend is made from populist people who tried to discredit the GSD for political reasons

Letzte Aktualisierung am 11.09.2008